"(she told me) (he was my age)"
"(she told me) (he died the year before)"
Íslenskt heiti: Ranfeng; (Körfublómaaettin) ; lat.: Tanacetum vulgare; (Asteraceae) ; engl.: Tansy, Nat.Ord., Compositae. - Flowerheads discoid, numerous. Florets tubular, uniform, homochromus, bright yellow. Inflorescence corymbose. Involucre hemispherical, imbricated. Achene angular. Leaves large, pinnate, each segment deeply toothed and divided, alternate, strongly smelling when bruised. Stem rect, stout. Root-stock large and creeping. - Roadsides and hedgerows. August and September. Perennial.
Íslenskt heiti: Garðabrúða; (Garðabrúðuaettin) ; lat.: Valeriana officinalis; (Valerianaceae) ; engl.: Valerian, Nat.Ord., Valerianaceae. - Calyx tube adnate with ovary, the border opening out after flowering into a feathery pappus. Corolla five-lobed, gibbous, small. Stamens three. Ovary one-celled. Fruit dry, one-seeded, indehiscent. Inflorescence corymbose. Leaves pinnate or pinnatifid; segments lanceolate, deeply toothed, very variable in number; upper leaves few, small, and of few segments; lower leaves on long foot-stalks. Flowering-stems erect, simple, or very slightly branching.- Damp hedgerows, moist woods, sides of streams. June, July, August. Perennial.
Íslenskt heiti: Garðakornblóm; (Körfublómaaettin) ; lat.: Centaurea cyanus; (Asteraceae) ; engl.: Corn Blue-Bottle, Nat.Ord., Compositae. - Flower-heads capitate; flowers tubular, five-toothed. Florets of the ray few, large, bright blue, infundibuliform, neuter; florets of the disk, small, dark purple, fertile. Stamens five, inserted on corolla. Filaments distinct, anthers united. Ovary adherent to calyx. Style single, sheated by anthers. Stigma bifid. Fruit anachene, with simple pappus. Seed solitary. Involucre covered with imbricated brown scales. Leaves alternate, long dull green; lowering, with numerous fibrous tufts. - Waste places, hedgerows. July, August, September. Perennial.
Íslenskt heiti: Hangarfi; (Hjartagrasaaettin) ; lat.: Stellaria Media; (Caryophyllaceae) ; engl.: Chickweed, Nat.Ord., Caryophyllaceae. - Calyx of five persistent sepals. Corolla small, white, of five very deeply cleft petals, shorter than calyx, twisting in the bud. Stamens rather inconstant in number, from five to ten. Styles three, linear, stigmatic throughout. Ovary one. Inflorescence, axillary stems, each bearing one flower. Fruit a six-valved capsule opening to middle, many-seeded. Leaves pointed oval, lower petiolate, upper sessile, smooth, in pairs, exstipulate. Stem weak, much branching, with one line of hairs. Root fibrous. - Habitat: amongst field crops, on waste ground, roadsides. Flowering almost the whole year round. Duration, annual.
Íslenskt heiti: Storkanef; (Blágresisaaettin) ; lat.: Geranium pratense; (Geraniaceae) ; engl.: Meadow Cranes-Bill, Nat.Ord., Geraniaceae. - Calyx of five sepals, imbricate in aestivation, persistent. Petals five, large, bluish-purple. The inflorescence paniculate. Stamens ten, five short and five long, some often antherless. Ovary five-lobed, terminating in a long beak and five stigmas. Leaves large, divided into five or seven leaflets, coarsely serrated; all leaves on petioles, those of the radical leaves very long. Stems forking, swollen at the nodes, about three feet high. Capsule smooth, composed of five carpels; pedicels bearing fruit deflexed. Rootstock perennial.- Moist meadows and woods.
Íslenskt heiti: Hvít Bláklukka; (Bláklukkuaettin) ; lat.: Campanula rotundifolia alba; (Campanulaceae) ; engl.: Harebell, Nat.Ord., Campanulaceae. - Calyx ovoid, cut into five segments. Corolla bell-shaped, with five broad and spreading lobes, pale blue or occasionally white. Stamens five, free from corolla; filaments dilated at base; anthers linear. Style one, clavate, pubescent; stigmas filiform. Inflorescence a raceme or panicle, few-flowered; pedicels slender. Root-leaves orbicular or cordate, crennate, soon withering away; stem-leaves entire, linear or linear-lanceolate. Plant glabrous.- Open moorlands, banks, roadsides, old walls, hilly pasturage. July, August, September. Perennial.
(day one)
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Kópsvatn 1, Hrunamannahr.
Dagsetning: 3.7.`82
Gróðurlendi: mómold
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Auðigilsmovar. Hrunamannahr.
Dagsetning: 3.7.`82
Gróðurlendi: mómold
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Auðigilsmovar. Hrunamannahr.
Dagsetning: 3.7.`82
Gróðurlendi: melur
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Auðigilsmovar. Hrunamannahr.
Dagsetning: 3.7.`82
Gróðurlendi: mýri
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Auðigilsmovar. Hrunamannahr.
Dagsetning: 3.7.`82
Gróðurlendi: rófurgardi
(day two)
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Garði í R. Vik
Dagsetning: 8.7.`82
Gróðurlendi: Gróðurmold
(day three)
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Garði í R. Vik
Dagsetning: 18.7.`82
Gróðurlendi: Gróðurmold
(day four)
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Garði í Kópavogi
Dagsetning: 21.7.`82
Gróðurlendi: Gróðurmold
(day five)
Finnandi: Róbert G. Róbertssón
Fundarstaður: Garði í Reykjavik
Dagsetning: 21.9.`82
Gróðurlendi: Gróðurmold
"(she told me) (he was gay)"
Installation view Rungestr., 2008
MDF, fiberboard, plywood, acrylic paint, PE, cardboard, dried plants, digital print; dimensions variable
Installation view Rungestr., 2008
MDF, fiberboard, plywood, acrylic paint, PE, cardboard, dried plants, digital print; dimensions variable
MDF, acrylic paint, fiberboard, cardboard, PE-foil, rubber, parcel tape, digital prints (mounted);
dimensions variable; Installation view Rungestr., 2008
MDF, acrylic paint, fiberboard, cardboard, PE-foil, rubber, parcel tape, digital prints (mounted);
dimensions variable; Installation view Finnländische Str.; 2009