1985 - 1995
University of Fine Arts (HFBK), Hamburg, Germany, 1985-1996, graduated 1996 (film)
"Hausen" (to be economical), 430 objects; diff. mat., size variable; 1985-2021
"Wochenblätter / Albenseiten" (weekly pages / album pages), 72 album pages; weekly newspapers, scotch tape, customary album pages; 1991-1993
Bullerdeich, Hamburg, Germany, 5 display-cases, object series; diff.mat, dimensions variable; 1993 (solo)
KX / Kampnagel, Kabinett für Zeichnung, Hamburg, Germany, "Wochenblätter / Albenseiten"; 1994 (solo)
Galerie 7/8 Barmherzigkeit Hamburg, Germany, Trophäen, Sammlungen und Reliquien; 1994 (group) (O.Jacobsen, D.Vogler, Ch.Pfaff)
"Jewel Box of Nature" video, 6min, mute; U-matic transferred to DVD; 1994
"Anstelle von Fragmenten erscheinen Dinge als Ganzes" (instead of fragments things appear as whole); Text, illustrated brochure; 1995
"Branchenbuch Hamburg" (Hamburg Yellow Pages), 284 albumpages; Yellow Pages, gummed paper, customary albumpages; 1995-1996
1996 - 2006
"Ich bin eine von den Cartwrights (0-7)" (I am one of the Cartwrights (0-7)); Text, illustrated brochures (8); 1999-2003
"Behelfsatelier" (substitute studio); Installation; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2000
"Chicago Yellow Pages (A-Gi)" 214 albumpages; Yellow Pages, gummed paper, customary albumpages; 2001-2005
International Exchange Studios (top 24), Galerie Stadtpark Krems, Lower Austria, research visit; 2001/2003
"Krems Lage Entfernt" (Krems: situation distant / location remote); 13 albumpages, touristmaps of Krems, Lower Austria, anonymised; printed paper, gummed paper, customary albumpages, aluminium frames; 2001
"Wie Sie Uns Finden" (How To Get There); 64 albumpages, anonymised touristmaps; printed paper, gummed paper, customary albumpages, aluminium frames, (includes "Krems Lage Entfernt"); 2001-2006
"Ich möchte wetten, Du bist nicht immer eine Gans gewesen" (I bet you haven`t always been a goose), 54 pages, paper cutouts, text; Bristol cardboard, aluminium frames; 2.20 x 2m; 2001
"gewalt macht geld und gunst" (force makes money and favour), objectseries (6); diff.mat, size variable; 2001/2004
"Unterführungen" (underpasses), hidden text installation in pedestrian underpasses; paper, weatherproof paperglue; Krems, Lower Austria; 2002/03
"Das Haus meiner Tante im Park" (my aunts house in the park); objectseries (8); diff. mat., dimensions variable; 2003
ehem. VEB Treffmodelle, Berlin, Germany "NENN MICH RITA" (call me rita); Installation; diff. mat., dimensions variable; 2004 (solo)
"Justizanstalt Stein" (stein place of detention); dv, sound, 15 min; 2004
DIE BIOGRAFISCHE BIBLIOTHEK, Berlin, Germany; "Thaiwalker"; Installation; videotext, artificial autobiography; dv, mute, 14 min; 2005 (solo)
"greifswalderstr." (light stack kit), Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2005/06/07/08
"ich muß weiter" Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2007
"danzigerstr." (black stage dark kit), Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2007
artist in residence, SIM / Art Museum Reykjavik, Iceland, 2007
Korþulfsstaðir Exhibition Hall, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2007 "For the nearly devastated herbarium of Róbert G. Róbertssón" Installation; 1.) garðyrkjuskóli ríkisins; 2.) hospital; 3.) culture day; construction, dv; (group) (A.Björn, J.Brady, H.Killane, E.M.Lopez, H.Matveinen, M.Roth, M.Schulze, R.Van der Meijs, C.Wilkinson)
"Anlieferung" (supply), Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2008
"Versatzhaus" (house of pledges), Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2009
"KOMM KENNST MICH DOCH" (come on you know me very well); Faltblatt, Offset; Berlin, 2010; (cat.)
artist in residence, Eesti Kunstnike Liit, Tallinn, Estonia; 2010
"Saku Suurhall Horse Show" , Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2010
"STADT DER ANNAHMEN" (supposition city), 100 albumpages; Chicago Yellow Pages (Letter A-G), gummed paper, customary black albumpages, aluminium frames; dimensions variable; 2001-2010
Pavillon (Milchhof), Berlin, Germany; "kreuzweise canyon" (crossways canyon), Installation; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2011 (solo)
"MUSEUM haus WANDERER" (museum house unsettled), Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2011-2013
"Passagierhafen" (passenger port), Installation elements; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2012
"MACHT NICHTS" (power / nothing / does not matter), Installation elements; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2012
Lange Nacht der Museen, Gerichtshöfe, Berlin, Germany; "ein paar dinge die ich über mich dachte stimmen nicht ganz" (shys); Installation; diff. mat., dimensions variable; 2012 (group)
"arbeite so" (this way), Installation elements; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2013
"Boot / Unruhe" (boat / flurry), Tetrapak paper, dimensions variable; 2013
"scheut" (shys), Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2013
"Mann mit Pferd" (young man, covered horse), Installation series; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2013
"Väike Oismae" (drei Ansichten, Video und Modell), diff. mat, size variable; 2010/14
"MOMDADI" (poster and shingle siding), Installation; diff. mat, size variable; 2014/15/
Oberfett, Interdisziplinärer Schauraum Billrothstr., Hamburg, Germany; Kleine Installation (18 Papierschnitte, Objektserie (3)); diff. mat., dimensions variable; 2016 (solo)
"mesh drape and pompom alga" (Gazevorhang mit Meeresgewächs), Installation elements; mesh blind, Tetrapak-cardboard, cotton thread, PE-string, magnetic tape; dimensions variable; 2016
"geht alles weg" (all goes away), drape elements with lettering inlays; PE-foils, coolerbag foils, sand, cotton thread, cast aluminium rod, parcel string; size variable; 2016
"Schneckenteppich" (conference), carpet from scrollshaped Jersey; used cotton, wool and polyacryl; polyester- and cotton sewing thread; dimensions variable; 2017-21
"Komm Pferdchen schön traben" (come horse nice trot), Installation elements; diff.mat., dimensions variable; 2017-21
"Rollhaus Bergdach" (wheelset house mountain roof) ; installation element;
plywood, wood, glass, acrylic paint, polyester fabric, cotton thread, barcodes from used packaging foils, adhesive tape, battery light; 1 x 0,8 x 0,8 m; 2018
"Regen" (rain / move) and "versuch dich zu" (try to) ; bag and cushion cover with lettering inlays;
cooler bag foil, PE-foil, adhesive tape; 50 x 50 x 40 cm and 85 x 30 x 10 cm; 2018
"Rolletagenhaus dreistöckig" (wheelset house, three floors), diff.mat., 1.65 x 0.8 x 0.8 m; 2018
"boote, schöne boote aus glas" (boats, beautiful boats made of glass), reverse glass painting; 51.3 x 51.3 x 2 cm; 2018
"Boot nur NUR" (boat just JUST), reverse glass painting; 51.3 x 51.3 x 2 cm; 2018
"s. c. envelopes" (Stadt der Annahmen Umschlagstapel), 50 envelopes; digital copies, 16 x 11.5 x 12 cm; 2018
"silber lilie silber familie" (tunnel), drape with lettering- and/or motiv inlays; PE-foils, adhesive tape, wood, wire cable; dimensions variable; 2018
"tut mir leid daß ich nicht da war" (sorry I wasn´t there), series of drapes, with lettering- and/or motif inlays; used PE-foils, adhesive tape, wood; dimensions variable; 2019
"song song" , series of drapes with lettering inlays; used PE-foils, adhesive tape, wood; different sizes; 2019
"willst du daß ich bleibe soll ich wieder gehn" ( neither nor) , series of 3 drapes with lettering inlays and motif border; used PE-foils 1.95 x 2.70m, 1.95 x 2.70m, 1.05 x 3.60m; 2019
"da sitzt meine Mutter" (there she sits, there I sit), single drape with lettering- and motif inlay; used PE-foils 3.55 x 1.70 m; 2019
"Was wär denn jetzt schön" (what would be nice now), single drape with lettering- and motif inlay; 4.35 x 1.99 m; 2020
"Ach komm Nevada Nevada" (that´s all with you, that´s all without you), two drapes with lettering inlay; 1.20 x 2.67m und 1.05 x 3.60m; 2020
"Pferd mit Schuppenkleid" (dress), 6 Installationselemente; Tetrapakpapier, Baumwollgarn, Polyacryltextil, Aluminium, Transportdecken, Sperrholz, Glaswechselrahmen; Größe variabel; 2019/20
"das geht nicht von selbst weg" (it´s not going away), different sized flags with lettering- and/or motif inlays; used PE-foils, adhesive tape, wooden handles; 2020/21
"denk an steine" (Pfingsten Cartwright), single drape with lettering- and motif inlay; used PE-foils, adhesive tape, wood; 3.85 x 1.60m; 2021
"denk Anemonen" (Maria Kanada), single drape with lettering- and motif inlay; used PE-foils, adhesive tape, wood; 4.26 x 1.68m; 2021
"Genugplane Streifen" (up to here and no further); single drape with lettering inlay; PE-foils, adhesive tape, wood; 3.85 x 1 m; 2017/21
"ruhig müde" (calm tired), two cushion covers with lettering inlays; used PE-foils, zip fasteners, cotton thread ; 70 x 70 x 10 and 86 x 89 x 12cm; 2021
"Eleanor Wind" (orange cover), cushion cover with lettering inlays; heavy duty foil, adhesive tape, zip fasteners, cotton thread; 37 x 44 x 8.5 cm; 2021
"Ähre weiß" (wheat ear white), single drape with motif inlay; used white and opaque PE-foils, adhesive tape, wood; 3.68 x 1.78 m; 2021
"Alga" (Algenobjekt), Polyester, Baumwollgarn; 1.54 x 1.37 m; 2021
"stiff red stripes tangled" (sperrige rote Streifen); used PE-foils, laminated; dimensions variable; 2021
"sewn darkgreen stripes rolled up" (genähte grüne Streifen gewickelt); used PE-foils, cotton sewing thread; 6 pcs; 187 x 2 cm; 2021
"Fenchelplane" (fennel), single drape with motif inlay; used PE-foils, adhesive tape, wood; 4.10 x 1.93m; 2021
early works (excerpt) 1985-2013
left: Nr. 052, 1986; feathers, jute, cotton, sand; 32 x 7 x 4cm;
right: "Hausen", installation view 2001, 410 objects, cardboard boxes, office shelves, filed photographs; diff. mat., dimensions variable
left: Wochenblätter / Albenseiten" (detail); newspaper, scotchtape, cardboard, tracingpaper; 30 x 21cm; 1991;
right: KX / Kampnagel Kabinett für Zeichnung, Hamburg, Germany; exhibition view, 1993
"Jewel Box of Nature" video, 6 min, mute, u-matic transferred to dvd, 1994
"Anstelle von Fragmenten erscheinen Dinge als Ganzes" (instead of fragments things appear as whole) Text, illustrated brochure, 1995, (detail)
left: "ich bin eine von den cartwrights", brochure 0, 1999-2003;
right: "Jane und Joe", brochure 7, 1999-2003
(substitute studio), Installation view and detail; diff. mat., dimensions variable; 2000
(I bet you haven`t always been a goose), 54 pages, paper cutouts, text; Bristol cardboard, aluminium frames;
Matthias Roth, Jin Shin Jiutsu treatment room, Chicago, Illinois; Installation view and detail; 2001
left: detail from "gewalt macht geld und gunst"
(force makes money and favour); Nr. 404, (small cake), poppy-seeds-cake, carbonised, 0,6 x 6,3 x 1,6 cm; 2001/04
right: detail from "gewalt macht geld und gunst"
(force makes money and favour); Nr. 405, glass, engraved, 7 x 7 x 10,5 cm; 2001
Karl Tiefenbacher Park / Kerschbaumerstraße; Krems, Lower Austria, 2002/03;
(underpasses); hidden textinstallation in pedestrian underpasses; paper, weatherproof paperglue;
Still aus: "Justizanstalt Stein" DV, 15min, 2004;
und: Videokabine, Magazinstapel; div. Mat., Größe variabel, 2005
"Thaiwalker" 2005; videotext, artificial autobiography; dv, 14min; shown at DIE BIOGRAFISCHE BIBLIOTHEK, Berlin, Germany, 2005;
"Ich muß weiter", Installation view Greifswalderstraße (detail), 2007; MDF, fiberboard, PE, acrylic paint, balsa wood, cardboard, PE-foil, paper; dimensions variable;
(black stage dark kit), Installation view Danzigerstraße. (detail), 2008;
MDF, fiberboard, pinewood, spruce, acrylic paint, PU-foam, PE-foil, parcel string, cotton, fleece; dimensions variable
"a couple of things I thought about myself are not exactly true"
Plane mit eingesetztem Schriftzug; PE-Folien, Klebefilm, 3.10 x 2.10 m;
Ausstellungsansicht, Detail Lange Nacht der Museen Berlin, 2012
(power / nothing / does´nt matter), Plakat aus A3 Farbkopien (3.40 x 2.60m); Plane mit eingesetztem Schriftzug "MACHT NICHTS", gebrauchte PE-Folien, Klebefilm; Holzträger, Acrylfarbe (2.12 x 2.90 m und 380 x 4 x 3 cm);
Torso und Teile eines Tieres; Holzgerüst, Walkwolle, Polyestergarn; 97 x 56 x 23 cm;
Installationsansicht Berlin, Gerichtsstr., 2012
(horse shell) from: "Passagierhafen"
(passenger port) Installation view 2012
cotton, embroidery silk; 18 x 10 x 5 cm
"For the nearly devastated herbarium of Róbert G. Róbertssón", Installation view (detail); diff. mat., dimensions variable; Korþulfsstaðir Exhibition Hall, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2007;
under construction
last update: january 23th 2022